Rally Audi A1 Quattro is your Group B wet dream

This is what happens when Bengala starts doing hot hatches. We approve.

Let’s be honest, this rally Audi A1 Quattro would be welcomed with open arms in the modern-day. Ever since rally Group B died a controversial death after many accidents and the Lancia favoring by the Italian officials, a bleeding hole has been left in the hearts of petrol heads. Group B was known for it’s high-tech, insanely quick machines that can still compete with current hyper cars.

FIA created the relatively rule-free Group B in 1982. No homologation models were required and no restrictions existed in terms of turbo-boost or displacement. Models like the Ford RS200 were allowed to push 800 horsepower from their 2.2 liter engines, making it hit a hundred KPH in 2.1 seconds on freaking gravel. All this was before any electronic stability systems found their way to these cars.


So why this render? As a hommage really and frankly because it’s damn cool. Bengala Automotive Design may be know from their Rolls program, but we asked them to dream up a rally Audi A1 Quattro just like it would be when Group B was still alive. Luke’s Audi A1 Quattro. And so they did.

Ward Seugling

Founding father 🥸


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