Jaguar busy testing new types of F-Types. Typical

Jaguar has been rather busy this week testing at the Nordschleife. As rumour had it that there was a testing week coming up I decided to pack my bags and inform my boss I might skip a day at the office very soon. That day came sooner than expected as I left for the ring yesterday. When I drove past the testing plant it was immediately clear that it was a go! More then 15 cars wearing those well known stickers were parked there. Not only F-Types though, XE? check! XF wearing stickers? check!

This car was by far one of the most interesting ones they were testing that day, as the new SVR (formerly known as R-S) model of the F-Type is inevitable. In the line of tradition with the XFR-S and XKR-S this will be the most hardcore version of the F-Type to date. The pictures clearly show different spoilers and diffusers fitted to the car to test which one is the best.With all the other companies building cars with a surplus of 600 horsepower, Jaguar can't just stand still and do nothing. Let's hope they top it off with more then we are all hoping for. 

Ward Seugling

Founding father 🥸


Hommage to the CSL is here


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