Hommage to the CSL is here

Starting this article off by quoting a piece of text from the article about the teaser.

"BMW, like any other brand, reguarly glares back at the past. We think many of us remember the M1 and 328 hommage. Now BMW is making yet another hommage, this time the 22nd of May will bring us the entire information package. For now we will have to deal with the teaser image, showing us some wing."

In line with tradition BMW presented the CSL during the Concorso d'Eleganza Villa d'Este. Claiming this to be an exclusive presentation, meaning that you probably won't see it anywhere else than in their museum in Munich, Germany.Don't get me wrong, I really like these concepts, but looking back at the history of brands like this makes me wish those days were still here. Things like the idiotic Group B and F1 when it was cool are gone and there's a pretty big gap between now and then. This CSL Homage won't bring it back but maybe will make companies like BMW remember that a little bit of crazy isn't that bad after all.

Ward Seugling

Founding father 🥸


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